
Coventry Cathedral Recordings

I thought you might like to see a comment I received concerning the recordings of HTC at Coventry Cathedral this Summer.

There is a little extraneous noise, and the distance between recorder and choir is apparent - not unexpected given how the recordings were made. But the quality of the choir shines through, as does the acoustic of the cathedral. There were only 10 boys on the tour, but you'd be unlikely to realise this. The Hear My Prayer soloist is impressive. Highly recommended, and at just £5 for the CD (68 minutes) and £6 for the DVD, bargain-priced.

The writer is from the South of England and has been a follower of ours for some years.  Through him, some of our material is now on its way to both the USA and Australia.

I can also tell you that we have been granted permission to make recordings in Durham during our sojourn there next Summer.



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